Friday, September 24, 2010

Middle-aged blonde teachers 'plied young boys with drink and drugs at summer sex parties'

Two middle-aged teachers in the United States are facing up to ten years in jail after hosting summer sex parties for teenagers.

Blondes Sarah Lindsay and Audrey Grabarkiewicz plied boys with drink and marijuana at the illegal raves at their home.

Some of their victims were as young as 11.

Lindsay, 42, and Grabarkiewicz, 44, are being held in custody in Boiling Springs, South Carolina.

Fired: Audrey Grabarkiewicz has lost her job as a teacher at the church in Boiling Springs, North Carolina, over the sex party charges

Grabarkiewicz, who worked as a teacher at Lake Bowen Baptist Church, is charged with 10 counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Investigators said Grabarkiewicz also had 'sexual relations with some of the victims' but, because they were older than 16, she will not be charged with those offences.

Lindsay, a teacher at Boiling Springs Elementary school, is charged with nine counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and criminal sexual conduct with a minor between 11 and 14 years old.

The Rev. Mark Williams, pastor of Lake Bowen Baptist Church, said Grabarkiewicz was fired from the church as soon as she was arrested.

He said: We expect that the teachers working with the children meet a higher moral standard because of their employment in a church-related program."

Lindsay resigned from her job earlier this week.

Sheriff of Boiling Springs, Chuck Wright, said the women could have been involved with more teens.

'We always try to make sure that we don't miss any victims,' Wright said.

'We want to send a clear message to anyone who would contribute to the delinquency of a minor. That is, don't ask for mercy, because we're not going to give you any.

'Too many of our children are dying on our roadways because they're under the influence of alcohol or drugs provided to them by someone older.'

Wright added. 'This has to stop.'

Twisted duo: Blondes Audrey Grabarkiewicz and Sarah Lindsay are charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors for hosting sex parties

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