Tony Abbott
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has ramped up his campaign rhetoric today, confidently declaring that the Coalition will win the next election.
Speaking in Perth at the opening of the electorate office for Ken Wyatt, the Liberal candidate for the marginal seat of Hasluck, Mr Abbott said he believes he will defeat Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Tony Abbott in Western Australia

Tony Abbott speaks with WA Premier Colin Barnett at a wharf in Freemantle
"Yes, I think that there will be a change of government and yes, I think that I will be the next prime minister of Australia," he said.
Before the campaign began, Mr Abbott tried to deny leaked comments from a party room meeting that a "famous victory" was in the Coalition's grasp.
But today he was not mincing his words.
"I can sense there will be a change of government come August 21," he said.
Leaders traditionally avoid declaring victory during a campaign for fear of appearing overconfident and Ms Gillard has repeatedly said the election will be close and hard fought.
Mr Abbott has been campaigning in Western Australia, continuing his attack on Labor's mining tax and unveiling a $93 million boost to border security funding.
"As a result of this additional money, we should get a further 52,000 cargo containers screened; we should get an additional $7.5 million air cargoes screened," he said.
"This is a further demonstration of the Coalition's border security credentials."
Despite his confidence during today's launch, Mr Abbott earlier cautioned Liberal voters about expecting a good result from the 'worm' on Sunday, saying it traditionally did not like Liberal leaders.
"Well, look, the worm certainly doesn't like Liberals. I mean, the worm has a long history of disliking Liberals," he said.

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